culture [kuhl-cher]


1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

2. that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.

fancier [fan-see-er]


1. a person having a liking for or interest in something; enthusiast


Culture Fancier was founded in 2016 by Glodeane Brown, a former interior design consultant with a passion for all things relating to arts and culture. Her passion led her to Humber College where she completed post graduate studies in Arts Administration & Cultural Management. She now works as an arts management professional, curator, and public art coordinator. In 2020 she received an Arts Awards Waterloo Region award for her contribution to the Waterloo Region arts community.

The aim of Culture Fancier is to educate, entertain, and inspire. You'll find posts about art, art shows and events, as well as interviews with artists and other creative, inspiring people.